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David House

Operations Director

"My passion for fitness is not what most of you may think. I did not get a certificate to become a personal trainer, a CrossFit trainer, or a weightlifter. Nor did I go to school to get a degree in exercise science or the like. I have my masters in Mathematics and have worked several years as a math teacher at UNF. Now, I am working at Providence High School. What I simply desire is a community of "regular" people, like me, to gather together and become healthier. My wife, Stephanie, is the general manager at CrossFit St. Augustine and helps with creating an environment of love, accountability, and healthy living.

Our goal is to put the right people in the right position in order to provide the best experience for our members! The team of people, both partnering with and working for CrossFit St. Augustine, are the best at what they do and the members get the benefit of it!"

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